Ruk's Earth Guild Army


Card Cost
Card Count by Guild
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Greenrose7 13


This deck aims to use a aggressive Earth package coupled with Ruknuddin Khurshah, Leader of the Assassins' power to beat down the opponent and keep any early value generators in check.

The goal should be to try for 4-6 early power via combat, then if/when the opponent's board becomes too much to break through later in the game, you can pivot to a defensive posture, use your Migrate abilities to cash out your earth standing for a resource injection, and hope to stick The Indigo Grotto or Alamut Castle for the second half of your power.


As Ruknuddin Khurshah, Leader of the Assassins is our Worldbreaker, but out deck is primarily Earth Guild, getting to your first Earth standing is crucial. You'll usually want mulligan for one of your free ways to get earth standing:

They are however very limited so don't mulligan too aggressively as it's not unlikely you won't find one. You'll want to hedge your bets and also keep any other early plays you can:

If you are lucky enough to have some of these starter cards already in your first hand, you can have the luxury of also keeping removal options as you'll be glad you have them when the need arises:


  • Don't be afraid to spend the 2 early for your Earth standing early if your opening hand requires it. Unlocking the rest of your earth cards will be crucial. Once you have the first earth standing you gain access to the majority of your cards, and all your Migrate abilities will give you plenty of ways to cash out of the standing later on.
  • Deciding when to "make camp" (gain Earth standing) or "move on" (spend Earth standing for the indicated effect) for your Migrate abilities will be the toughest sequencing choices while piloting the deck. When making these decisions, be conscious that you have 5 cards that gain standing, 5 cards that Migrate (including Ger Migration), and only 2 cards which require 3 Earth standing.
24 Mar 2022 WorldbreakersAK

With only six Void cards, this deck is Khutulun is Khurshah's clothing ;) gaining that first Earth seems critical. I like the Lay Siege, I was surprised by it myself when we played. Having both that and Irate Vandal buys you a lot of time versus location-based decks.