Khutulun's Khanate


Card Cost
Card Count by Guild
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mattroid 14

This deck is an aggro deck looking to play out followers and pressure the opponent. A lot of cheap effecient followers allow for a consistent aggressive start, while a few events and locations allow for utility and late game power.

There are no 3 Earth standing cards to allow for consistent migrating for value. There is a small Void splash for a few strong Void cards.

Tempo is very important for this deck. However, if you get stalled out you can always get 6 power from the Indigo Grotto. This can let you steal some games from control decks that stall out the board but don't win quickly.

25 Mar 2022 WorldbreakersAK

Very cool design! I like how you're keeping the standing shallow, and the Void splashes are spot-on. I think Stupefy can proc surprisingly often out of a pure Earth shell. Braggart/Duelist/Guru are a powerful trio once you hit two earth standing.

I wonder whether the Mythium Fund is the right choice here, I think that early on, losing the tempo will be painful. Later, you won't have the 5 mythium to pay for it. Given the low Void commitment, I wonder if you can replace it with Amazing Arithmetic.

The surprise Grotto is a cool inclusion. Greenrose7 should copyright it ;)

29 Mar 2022 Mattroid

Yeah Mythium Fund is definitely an iffy choice. I included it because of the strength of a round 1, turn 1 Mythium Fund. But it could totally be to much of a tempo loss. I need to test it more to find out.