Kublai Grotto of Despair


Card Cost
Card Count by Guild
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sonofthelight 7

Pure Stars deck trying out Kublai Khan.

Ideal end is Veni, Vidi, Vici into The Indigo Grotto but as it searches off the top of the deck it is unlikely to hit very often. But there are enough locations in the deck to make VVV effective.

Defensive deck focusing on playing locations and trying to manipulate Kublais fortress or market renewal such as Shangdu and Streets of Daidu depending on the board state whether the priority is you building your own board or hamstringing your opponents board.

Lots of location development with Jiaochao, Frantic Getaway, Weaving Workshop, The Blind Sculptor and Administration Dominion to rush the developments when key locations are out.