Khutulun_Constructed v.1


Card Cost
Card Count by Guild
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shadow_Katana 2

This Khutulun deck relies heavily on the pre-constructed decklist, which I believe is a great starter deck for the game as a whole.

The aim of this deck is to build an early board state with some cheap neutrals and Khutulun's early follower suite to gain and keep momentum.

Be aggressive as much as possible. Your aim is to gain 2-3 power tokens per turn through breaches. Choose between swarm and successive big follower attacks to keep the pressure. Don't be afraid to go down 0 standing to take advantage of the Migrate ability as you still have 0 standing neutrals.

An example opening hand would be: Yam Operator, Gratuitous Gift, Mongol Quartermaster - migrate for Earth Apprentice.

Early The Pride's Kheshig is a good foundation.

Desperate Miners and Mothkeeper are there to provide you with passive resources to keep your engine going. Draw with Eagle Huntress, Call to Arms, and Ger Migration.

Have fun!